Have you ever thought why God made us humans so capable? It could also be possible that like insects, we too would not have been given the ability to think or understand something else. If God wanted, He could have made us anything else. Man is considered to be the most intelligent creature in the world. And this is the only reason that human beings are considered superior to other living beings. Because of this many things in him are better than others. And helping others also comes within the better intellect of a human being.
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By the way, animals also help each other, so humans must help others with concern. In fact the idea of helping others with anxiety has more to do with religion than science. People consider helping others as a good deed. Due to which the soul gets good results when it goes to the next world.
We have been hearing since childhood that if you do good deeds, and help others, you will definitely get good results. I do not know these things but it is certain that as far as I am concerned, I feel a different happiness in helping others. And you get a different kind of relief. And this feeling itself is like a good fruit for me.
Make Helping Others With Anxiety A Purpose In life
The aim of our life should be to help others, because everything is mortal in this world, so we should not be attached or proud of anything. And as much as possible, everything should be used for the good of others, due to which our mind feels a different joy. I am not saying that you should spend all your money for this, but I am saying that do it as far as you can. You can do this by spending only 10% of your earnings with the help of others. It has always been seen that those who help others.
They are less stressed, experience mental peace and joy. They feel more connected to themselves than to others, and their lives are more satisfying. While the competition keeps stress on itself.
How Do You Feel If You Help Others With Anxiety?
Caring or helping others and being kind not only contributes to the happiness of others, but it also helps us feel happy ourselves.
Studies have shown that when we start caring for others or thinking about helping someone, it increases the thinking capacity of our brain. Activates its 'reward center'. It can also take our mind off our own worries.
What Happens When Someone Helps?
If we help someone wholeheartedly, it helps us to reduce stress. Also it is good for our health.
It can be helpful in increasing the sense of satisfaction in our life. This is because helping others reduces our loneliness and stress and also increases our social leadership.
Why Does It Feel Good To Help Others With Anxiety?
When we help others with anxiety, it activates areas of the brain associated with pleasure, our social connection, and our belief in ourselves. Charitable behavior produces endorphins in the brain and causes happiness for us as well as the people we help.
Satisfaction Comes From Helping Others
I am not saying this psychological advantage of helping others by myself, but scientific research is proving it.
According to an article published in PubMed Central, it is scientifically correct to say that helping others releases happy hormones in our brain. These hormones make us feel satisfied.
What Do We Learn From Helping Others?
When we help others, we get to face the real world and understand their pain. We gain an understanding of their struggles and triumphs.
It informs us about what is happening around us. which we can feel. This can be very useful in our career or personal life.
Being a helper also gives us the opportunity to see how other people live their lives, and what they value most.
What Drives The Spirit Of Helping Others With Their Concerns?
Altruism makes us happy. According to researchers, people enjoy a significant amount of happiness after helping others with their anxiety, which instills euphoria in them. Some studies have shown that people feel happier spending money on others than on themselves. There is a different feeling of joy in this, being the reason for the smile on someone's face is a joyful experience in itself. And this feeling is deeply ingrained in the children.
Try To Make A Small Campaign
Many people always keep thinking about helping others, but never start. They think that the people they are about to help will make fun of it or the person they want to help is very small. So there is no need to think about these things at all, because there are many people who need that little help of yours. For once, show courage and extend a helping hand towards them.
We should care or help others just because we want to change ourselves. To be a great person. It is very easy to change the world If every person decides this thought in his mind.